Video Game Evaluation Questionnaire

by Psychology Roots

Video Game Evaluation Questionnaire

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About Scale Name

Scale Name

Video Game Evaluation Questionnaire

Author Details

Craig A. Anderson

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Video Game Evaluation Questionnaire
Video Game Evaluation Questionnaire


A search of the literature found that while cognitive skills are mentioned as important to gameplay, there are no rating scales for games along cognitive dimensions. Virtually all rating systems focus on violence and sex as with other media. Within the needs of our research program, we are developing a scale to evaluate the cognitive processing demands of specific games.

A fairly straightforward model of cognitive processing was chosen to evaluate games. This scale is based upon the model of Das and is called the planning,attention-arousal, simultaneous, and successive cognitive processing model (PASS). Johnson has shown a relationship between subscales on the PASS and frequent internet use. However, she found “insignificant differences in cognitive processing were most apparent between students who reported frequent and infrequent recreational use of theInternet (e.g., dating, downloading music and videos, playing games)” (p. 2098-2099). However, her finding may be in part due to the nature of her sample which was 72% female who generally reported never playing video games. Indeed Bowman and Boyan report cognitive skill as related to game play, which was confirmed by Sherry et al.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation


Reliability and Validity


Available Versions



Anderson, C. A., & Carnagey, N. L. (2009). Causal effects of violent sports video games on
aggression: Is it competitiveness or violent content? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 731-739

Important Link

Scale File:


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