Team Workload Measure

by Psychology Roots

Team Workload Measure

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About Team Workload Measure

Scale Name

Team Workload Measure

Author Details

James Michael Sellers

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Team Workload Measure
Team Workload Measure


The team workload measure (Appendix A) was developed in accordance with the current conceptualisation of team workload. To measure the taskwork component an adapted version of the NASA-TLX was used. The six scales of the NASA-TLX: Physical Demand, Mental Demand, Temporal Demand, Effort, Frustration, and Performance, were all included.

While, as discussed earlier, a number of researchers have questioned the validity of performance and frustration as a measure of workload, both were kept for exploratory reasons, as a goal of this study is to generate a greater understanding of team workload. In addition to the six scales of the NASA-TLX two additional scales were added. The scales were Emotional Demand and Performance Monitoring Demand.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and reiterate the purpose and anonymity of the survey.

Instructions: Clearly explain the questionnaire format and answer scale (typically Likert-type). Encourage honest responses to all statements.

Accessibility: Offer various formats (paper, online) and accommodations for language or reading difficulties.

Time Allowance: Allocate sufficient time for completion (approximately 10-15 minutes).

Data Collection: Ensure all questionnaires are completed and accounted for. Secure responses through anonymous channels if using paper forms.

Scoring and Analysis: Follow the scoring procedure outlined in the TWM manual to calculate individual and team scores for each dimension. Analyze the results to identify patterns and areas for improvement.

Feedback and Action: Share anonymized results with the team and discuss potential interventions to address workload concerns.

Reliability and Validity


Available Versions



Sellers, J. M. (2013). Team Workload Questionnaire (TWLQ): Development and Assessment of a Subjective Measure of Team Workload.

Important Link

Scale File:


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