Occupational Role Questionnaire Urdu

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Occupational Role Questionnaire Urdu

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About Occupational Role Questionnaire Urdu

Scale Name

Occupational Role Questionnaire Urdu (Six Subscales of Occupational Stress Inventory)

Author Details

SH Osipow

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Occupational Role Questionnaire Urdu
Occupational Role Questionnaire Urdu


Occupational Roles Questionnaire (ORQ) portion of the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (OSI-R). The current version of the OSI-R is appropriate for ages 18 years and older and provides normative data for both gender and specific occupational categories (i.e., executive, professional, technical, administrative support, etc.) which is comparable to the sample population.

The ORQ consists of six scales, with ten items per scale, including role overload (RO), role insufficiency (RI), role ambiguity (RA), role boundary (RB), responsibility (R), and physical environment (PE). According to Osipow (1998), these six scales are based upon McLean’s (1975) set of six occupational stressors. Because URAs are unlikely employed in extreme physical environments in their university setting or teaching hospital, the sixth scale was not utilized.

The generic profile form was used and compared with the T scores of the total normative sample since the internal consistency analysis was conducted with the normative sample. Utilizing a Likert scale, items provided respondents with the ability to rank statements as follows from 1) rarely or never true, 2) occasionally true, 3) often true, 4) usually true, to 5) true most of the time (Osipow, 1998).

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Explain the purpose of the OSI to the respondent. Let the respondent know that the OSI is a questionnaire that measures occupational stress and strain. Emphasize that the OSI is confidential and that their responses will only be used for research or clinical purposes.
  • Provide the respondent with the OSI instructions. The OSI instructions are relatively simple, but it is important to review them with the respondent before they begin the assessment. The instructions explain how to complete the OSI items and how to score the assessment.
  • Allow the respondent enough time to complete the OSI. The OSI takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. However, it is important to allow the respondent enough time to complete the assessment at their own pace.
  • Collect the OSI and score the assessment. Once the respondent has completed the OSI, collect the assessment and score it. The OSI scoring instructions are included in the OSI manual.

Reliability and Validity

Still searching for Urdu version

Available Versions



Osipow, S. H., & Spokane, A. R. (1998). Occupational stress inventory-revised. Odessa, FL: Psychological, 1-15.

Important Link

Scale File:


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