Clinical Competencies Rating Scale

by Psychology Roots

Clinical Competencies Rating Scale

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About Scale Name

Scale Name

Clinical Competencies Rating Scale

Author Details

Marla S. Staab

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Clinical Competencies Rating Scale
Clinical Competencies Rating Scale


In the field of speech-language pathology, the introduction of students to the supervisory process is a critical aspect of developing clinical skills. This process is based on the continuum of supervision proposed by Anderson (1988), which assumes that the level and nature of involvement of both the supervisor and supervisee will evolve over time.

As novice supervisees are initiated into the field, it becomes crucial for them to comprehend the fundamental clinical behaviors that are indispensable for the practice of speech-language pathology (McCrea & Brasseur, 2003). Goldberg (1997) highlights the significance of helping students acquire both technical and process-oriented expertise.

To address these concerns, the Clinical Competencies Rating Scale (CCRS) was developed after an extensive review of the literature on clinical supervision and the 2005 ASHA Standards. The CCRS includes a range of general core behaviors, such as professionalism, evaluation, treatment planning, treatment implementation, oral/interpersonal communication, and written communication, along with a set of specific skills and tasks in each domain.

Consequently, the implementation of this rating scale could provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the clinical competence of speech-language pathology students and facilitate their professional growth.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

The student and instructor convene to deliberate on the objectives and expectations of the clinical practicum, in which they review the course syllabus and establish development goals. Weekly conferences are scheduled to discuss mutual expectations and client progress, alongside team meetings.

The Comprehensive Clinical Rating Scale (CCRS) is utilized by the instructor to provide feedback to the student during the midterm evaluation. Towards the end of the semester, the CCRS serves as a tool for both parties to reflect on strengths and areas for improvement, where the student also conducts a self-evaluation, and numerical values are calculated accordingly.

Instructors and students offer feedback on the content and process of clinical skill development each semester. This is facilitated through small group discussions or focus groups, which entail various sample questions such as: What are some common fears experienced during the initial stages of clinical practicum? How should the supervisor/supervisee relationship evolve during the later stages of clinical development? What are the qualities of a successful clinician?

Does the CCRS provide an adequate explanation of the anticipated behaviors in clinical skill development? Finally, does the self-evaluation component foster active engagement towards improving clinical performance?

Reliability and Validity


Available Versions




Important Link

Scale File:


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