Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale

by Psychology Roots

Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale

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About Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale

Author of Tool:

Nansel, Rovner, Haynie, Iannotti, Simons-Morton, Wysocki, Anderson, Weissberg-Benchell, & Laffel


Type 1 diabetes is common, and chronic, pediatric disease. As the onset typically occurs during late childhood or early adolescence, parents must play a significant role in managing diabetes, and the associated diabetes regimen, while children begin to assume greater responsibility for the management of their diabetes as they get older.

Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale
Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale

Declines in adherence to diabetes management are associated with the transition between parent-management and child management. Continued parental involvement, in a supportive, constructive manner, can reduce the likelihood of diabetes mismanagement. The Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale was constructed as a measure of the child’s perception of their parents involved in their diabetes management.

Nansel and colleagues (2009) designed this instrument as a youth-report, rather than parent-report, to reduce the possibility of social desirability bias in responses. The scale is composed of 12 items, each rated on a five-point Likert scale, from almost never to always. The scale examines parents’ use of problem-solving techniques, use of teachable moments, their ability to tailor the assistance provided to child’s needs and capacity for autonomy, and an awareness of their child’s behavior when they are not around.

Nansel et al. (2009) found that scores on the measure were correlated with parenting style, quality of life, adherence to the diabetes regimen, and glycemic control. Thus, the measure may provide useful information for the provision of support services or parental intervention.

Primary use / Purpose:

The Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale was designed as a youth-report measure of collaborative parent involvement in type 1 diabetes management.


Nansel et al. (2009) evaluated the psychometric properties of the scale.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

Key references:

  • Nansel, T. R., Rovner, A. J., Haynie, D., Iannotti, R. J., Simons-Morton, B., Wysocki, T., … & Laffel, L. (2009). Development and validation of the collaborative parent involvement scale for youths with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 34, 30-40.

Important Link

Scale File:


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Last update: 30-01-2023

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